After scanning in my initial sketches I decided to work on the 'Dana' monster further. Here are the three end results I've been working with.
Here is the first outcome. I'm happy with how it looks, although I think she doesn't look burnt enough, considering she was in a fire. Her natural skin tone is still present in most areas, and her wounds are too red. |
This palette seems much more effective. She has a kind of horrific 'cooked' look, her wounds are blackened and her left foot looks a lot more convincing as though her shoe (heels) has melted to her foot. In the former, her foot merely looks blackened with soot. |
After going for a more 'colourful' approach the second time, I tried to go for a more faded and overly-scorched look. But I wasn't too happy with this one, as she merely looks dusty and more ghost-like. |
Of course, these are just initial ideas anyway. The guy I'm working with on this project, Chris, is almost certainly going to have a different vision of all the monsters I design. But actually, I welcome the forum, and discussing which features to omit and new things to incorporate, as this is what will happen in the industry.
So for now it feels like this is what the image really looks like:
Using this image though, as well as some other basic photographs, I did a few tests of what kind of poster to do for the end product. We want the game to really be for PC users, and we want to get the overall feel in the poster.
In this poster, I positioned the design of my monster in front of flames, to give the impression of her 'rising from the flames'. I also added the quote from the Bible referencing the lake of fire to establish the mood of the game. |
This poster showcases the game's location. Obviously in the final image, I will have drawn the lakeside town myself rather than rely on photographs, but I want to give the town a really archaic, old feeling, as though this would be the kind of place that judges you and renders redemption upon sinners. |
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