Monday 20 May 2013

Negotiated Study 2- Finishing Touches: Game Poster, Game Cover Art and Title Screen

The last thing I've done to round off the project is several graphic pieces that complement the project as a game project. I've done a poster for the game, a title screen and a game cover (for the PlayStation 3 system).

Title Screen

Game Poster

Game Cover

Negotiated Study 2- Storyboard and Animatic

I decided around the halfway mark in this brief that I would do an animatic for a game trailer, after I saw a good example by a classmate. It was extra work, but I was prepared to go the extra mile. I first started with a basic storyboard:

Throughout production, the structure remained very faithful to the original storyboard. I used Photoshop to draw out each frame (so it was frame by frame) and then put all the images together as a GIF. I then put this into Flash and added sound and exported it.

Here is the final animatic, and again I have used tracks from Kevin MacLeod, royalty free. Here's the link just in case-

Negotiated Study 2- Digital Concept Art

The majority of my work for this brief was concept art, and I've completed a considerable amount. I will post some of my work stages first and then display the final images.

First I sketched the outline of the composition.

I then blocked in areas in monochrome shades, to get the shadows right.

I then added light areas, and then desaturated the image
Later on once, I'd gotten used to it, I still sketched the composition...

But went straight for colours instead of monochromatic shades.

To me, the end results were a bit more vibrant.

Here are all my digital paintings in their final versions:

Attack of the Stabbing Scarf

Bloody Painting

Casa Buia (Dark House)

Coming For You...

Demonic Totem

Don't Look Out of the Window

Dragged into the Darkness

Encountering the Shawled Scythe

Fatal Trap

The Claw of Nightmares

Hospital Syringe


Looming Hazard

The Mountain Pass

Mutilated Body

Shadowy Figure

There's Something Behind You...

Swift Apparition

The Cooked Head

The Shack at the Base of the Mountain

Attic Attacker

Brutal Murderer

The Cursed Lake

Derelict Building

Fleeing the Killer

Head in a Jar

Negotiated Study 2- Finished Sculptris Model Turnarounds

I managed to complete three Sculptris models (Stabbing Scarf, Feminine Skin and Nightmarish Slayer) Here they are as a turnaround.

Music is by Kevin MacLeod, a musician who offers royalty free tracks as long as you give credit.
Here's the link-

Negotiated Study 2- Background Art

I started digitally painting again, using some new tutorials I had found on YouTube. They were a great aid, and they helped me to understand that there was more than one way of painting things.

I did them mostly in a dark, almost monochromatic look, to symbolize the lifeless, drab nature of Brutto Island. I used some of them for the photograph sections of the game journal.

The Damned Lake

The Dead Coast

The Encroaching Woods

The Empty Streets

Negotiated Study 2- Monster Digital Art and Mood Board

I did a quick mood board to get my colour scheme for the game. It will be primarily blacks and shades of grey, but I also got some other colours mixed in there too.

I took the images of my monsters and coloured them in digitally. They are presented here:

Dorm Prankster

Feminine Skin

Hairy Grudge

Masked Slasher

Nightmarish Slayer

Shawled Scythe

Skeletal Revenant

Stabbing Scarf

Stretched Man

Suburban Legend