Saturday 8 December 2012

Negotiated Study 1- Backgrounds 3

I've done another today, for a total of 5 backgrounds done. I'm whizzing through these quicker than I thought, so I thought I'd put in some development screenshots to show my process.

The garage was made by hollowing out the wall, although it may not look like that.

When I work on SketchUp, it reminds me of working with a sculptor's block, as the shape has to exist first before you can make it into what you want. Here I wanted a dumpster, so for the moment it is simply a cuboid.

You then have to draw the section you want to chop off.

Deleting the corner lines then forces the cuboid to join at the points you drew underneath. And there you have a basic dumpster.

Here, I was making a trash can, using the same method as the vase in the previous Art Gallery stage. You make the cross section shape, then draw a circle at the point of rotation and then use 'Follow Me' Tool. Simple!
This is Fumes' stage, the Alleyway. I've yet to make the texture for the dumpster.

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